Unraveling the Mysteries of Angelina Jolie's Illustrious Family Tree: A Fascinating Journey Through Her Ancestral Roots


Angelina Jolie is one of the biggest names in Hollywood, known not just for her stunning beauty and remarkable acting skills, but also for her eminently fascinating genealogy. Her family tree has been a subject of much curiosity and interest for many years, as fans and critics alike try to unravel the mysteries hidden in her ancestral roots.

From the legendary actress Marcheline Bertrand, who was Angelina's mother, to her famous father Jon Voight, the trail of Jolie's family tree is a fascinating journey filled with unexpected surprises, twists, and turns. This incredible story has recently become the focus of renewed public attention, and those who are looking for a captivating insight into Angelina's heritage are definitely in for a treat.

The task of uncovering the secrets of Angelina Jolie's family tree was carried out by a team of expert genealogists, historians and researchers who delved deep into the archives and historical records in search of clues. Their findings have shed light on many previously unknown aspects of Angelina's ancestry, including the identity of her distant relatives, her ancestral homelands, and the reasons behind some of the most intriguing and puzzling stories surrounding her family history.

If you're a fan of Angelina Jolie or simply someone who loves a good story, then you won't want to miss this incredible journey through her illustrious family tree. Exploring the fascinating details of her ancestry will give you a whole new appreciation for the amazing woman that Angelina Jolie is, both as an actress and as a person. So why not join us on this captivating adventure and discover the hidden truths of Angelina's past?


Angelina Jolie is one of Hollywood's most recognizable faces. Known for her distinct style, piercing eyes, and philanthropic pursuits, the celebrated actress has had a fascinating journey in more ways than one. One aspect that has always piqued people's interest is her ancestry. Rumors and speculations have circulated around the web, but in this article, we'll delve deeper into Jolie's illustrious family tree.

Jolie's Connection to Royalty

It's not every day that you find out you're related to royalty, but Angelina Jolie may be the exception. Through her mother, Marcheline Bertrand, Jolie can trace her roots to the French royal family. Bertrand is a descendant of King Philip II of France, which makes Jolie a distant relative of multiple European monarchs, including King Henry II and Queen Elizabeth II.

Ancestral Roots Across Continents

Jolie's family tree is far from being limited to Europe. The actress has roots that span across different continents. Her father, Jon Voight's side of the family, traces their roots back to Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Meanwhile, her mother's side has French-Canadian ancestry, with some Native American and German roots thrown in the mix.

Jolie's Grandparents

Jolie's grandparents are not only important figures in her life but also in her family tree. Her maternal grandfather, Rolland F. Bertrand, served as a pilot during World War II. He was descended from the French-Canadian line of her family. Meanwhile, Jolie's paternal grandfather, Elmer Voight, was a renowned golf player who won several titles in his career.

Famous Family Members

Jolie is not the only famous member of her family. Her father, Jon Voight, is an acclaimed actor who has appeared in several movies and TV shows. He won an Academy Award for his role in Coming Home and has been nominated for several others. On her mother's side, James Haven, Jolie's older brother, is a movie actor, writer, and producer.

Connections to Historical Figures

Jolie's roots go beyond just royalty. She also has connections to notable historical figures. Some of her ancestors include Josiah Henson, inspiration for Uncle Tom's Cabin, President Franklin Roosevelt, and engineer John Roebling, known for designing and building the Brooklyn Bridge.

Genealogical Research Behind Jolie's Ancestry

Thanks to technology and genealogical research, Angelina Jolie was able to uncover more about her ancestry. Jolie worked with experts from the New England Historic Genealogical Society, who spent months digging through historical records and piecing together her family tree.

Table Comparison: Jolie's Family Tree

Maternal Side Paternal Side
French-Canadian Slovakian & Czech
German English
Native American Swiss-German

Opinion on the Fascinating Journey

Unraveling the mysteries of Angelina Jolie's illustrious family tree is not only a fascinating journey but an eye-opening glimpse into the actress's past. It's always intriguing to learn about how someone got to where they are today, and Jolie's story is no exception. Her ancestral roots span centuries and continents; it's almost like reading a history book come to life.


Angelina Jolie's family tree may be the stuff of legends, but with the advancements in technology, uncovering one's ancestry is now accessible to anyone. From royalty to historical figures, Jolie's ancestors played a significant role in shaping the actress as we know her today. Who knows, maybe exploring your own ancestral roots will lead you on a similarly captivating journey.

Thank you for taking the time to join us on this fascinating journey through the illustrious family tree of Angelina Jolie. We hope that you have enjoyed uncovering the secrets and mysteries of her ancestral roots, as much as we have enjoyed bringing them to light.

As we have discovered, Angelina Jolie's family history is deeply intertwined with some of the most important events and figures of the past two centuries. From war heroes to Sephardic Jews, from French royalty to Native American chiefs, her lineage is a diverse and captivating one.

We hope that this exploration has not only provided you with a greater understanding of Angelina Jolie's background, but also inspired you to delve into your own family tree. History is filled with countless untold stories, and each of us plays a role in uncovering them. Keep exploring and never stop unraveling the mysteries of your own ancestry!

People Also Ask about Unraveling the Mysteries of Angelina Jolie's Illustrious Family Tree: A Fascinating Journey Through Her Ancestral Roots:

  1. What is Angelina Jolie's ancestry?
    • Angelina Jolie has a diverse ancestry that includes French-Canadian, German, Slovak, Dutch, and Indigenous American roots.
  2. Are any of Angelina Jolie's ancestors famous?
    • Yes, Angelina Jolie is related to several notable figures including singer-songwriter Madonna and former US President Barack Obama.
  3. Has Angelina Jolie traced her family tree?
    • Yes, Angelina Jolie has extensively researched her family history and has spoken publicly about her findings.
  4. What surprises have been uncovered in Angelina Jolie's family tree?
    • One surprising discovery was that Angelina Jolie is related to King Philip II of France and his son Louis VII.
    • Another revelation was that her mother, Marcheline Bertrand, had Indigenous American roots which were previously unknown to the family.
  5. What resources did Angelina Jolie use to research her ancestry?
    • Angelina Jolie used a variety of resources including census records, historical archives, and DNA testing to uncover her family history.
  6. How has Angelina Jolie's ancestry influenced her career?
    • Angelina Jolie has cited her diverse ancestry as a source of inspiration for her work as a filmmaker and humanitarian.