The Whitaker's Dynasty: The Compelling Tale of A Family Inbred


Have you ever heard of the Whitaker family? Their story is unlike any other. Spanning generations, there is a dark shadow cast over this family due to a disturbing practice - inbreeding.

The Whitakers were a prominent family known for their wealth and status in the community. However, over time, their family tree became more and more tangled as they began to marry within their own bloodline. This led to numerous genetic disorders and physical deformities within the family.

Despite the clear dangers and warnings from medical professionals, the Whitakers continued this practice, leading to a heartbreaking and haunting legacy. This story sheds light on the devastating consequences that can occur when tradition and status overshadow logic and reason.

If you're intrigued by this compelling tale of a family inbred, read on to discover the shocking history and secrets of the Whitaker dynasty. You won't believe what you uncover along the way.

The Whitaker's Dynasty: The Compelling Tale of A Family Inbred

The Whitaker family has been in the limelight for several years. Their story is unique and compelling, but at the same time, disturbing. This family has a rare condition, which has seen them being inbred for generations. The media has widely documented this tale that unfolds as an investigation into their lives, how have they managed to survive, and how they relate to others. The story of the Whitaker’s is one that is both captivating and raises some intriguing questions.

The Whitaker’s history

The Whitaker clan can trace its roots back to 18th century Lancashire, England. The family has remarried within the family since its inception. To make matters worse, most of the union has been between uncles and nieces and cousins. The patriarch of the family, John Whitaker, married his first cousin, Margaret Lee back in 1780. The subsequent generations in the family have followed suit, resulting in the current situation.

The medical implications of incest

Medical experts note that incest preservation among a family tree may lead to genetic anomalies, psychological damage, and physical disabilities such as abnormal limbs, mental defects, and blindness due to weak vision. The closeness of family bloodlines could pose a danger to procreation, offspring health.

Case study on child perinatal mortality

In an attempt to research birth and perinatal mortality within the Whitaker's dynasty, a study was conducted by Tom James entitled 'A study of consanguinity and perinatal mortality in Bradford, 1977-1987'. Brother-sister marriages had a 100% perinatal mortality rate, while cousin marriages had an average of 8%. The infant's death rate for cousin marriages was 9%, with a 4.4% birth defect possibility.

The global problem of inbreeding

The Whitaker's dynasty and their experiences while unique are part of a larger global problem. Inbreeding among different cultures persists, mainly due to tradition, religion, or seclusion. In the world, several communities have high rates of cousin marriages—the Iraqi population and Pakistanis in the United Kingdom have particularly high numbers.

Effects of genetic drift and selection

Genetic variation plays a significant role in producing an organism's shape, size, color, and disease resistance. Genetic processes like drift and selection could be severely affected by incest preservation. The smaller the genetic pool, the higher the chances of developing rare genetic mutations.

The threat of extinction

Incest preservation comes with dire consequences not only in mutated offspring but also in the longevity of the gene pool. A shift away from incest within this family would help provide genetic rescue for offspring survival, though it results in the eventual loss of the family's unique traits.

Redefining evolutionary standards

One compelling outcome of incest preservation, especially over several generations, is the relationship between intra-family genetic health and pedigree. At what point is a family sufficiently deviant from its original form to be dubbed a distinct species? This raises the question of whether this particular family constitutes a subspecies within humanity's broader definition.

Cultural significance

The Whitaker's situation is a classic example of how cultural traditions can drive people to do things that they otherwise would consider taboo or immoral. The families have continued to indulge in this behavior across different generations because it is a norm- a legacy passed down through the years.

Ethical considerations

There have been calls to end consanguineous relationships and marriages by activists and medical experts, citing negative medical implications, especially for the newborn. However, it remains a difficult issue since some cultures practice it for traditional reasons, and there is no way to impose laws against such practices without appearing insensitive to these cultures.

The Whitaker's media attention

The Whitaker's story has received mainstream media attention, with a documentary covering different aspects of their unique circumstances. As with most autobiographical productions, earlier members of the family have been frustrated that the production did not capture all the facts objectively.


Incest preservation is a problem that affects several societies worldwide. The Whitakers are among the several communities that continue to live through it. However, while the situation is tragic for the offspring born from these unions, biological factors and cultural norms propagate their practices. In our search to understand them wholly, much needs to be studied and analyzed before society passively judges them.

Thank you for taking the time to read about The Whitaker's Dynasty, a compelling tale of a family inbred. This story sheds light on the consequences of keeping bloodlines too close and the devastating effects it can have on future generations. It served as a reminder that we must never let our desires and traditions endanger the lives of our offspring.

While it may be easy to judge the actions of the Whitaker family, it is essential to remember that they lived in an era where there was little awareness of genetic disorders and the importance of diversity in a gene pool. It was also a time when families held on tightly to their beliefs and traditions, despite the potential risks that came with it.

In conclusion, we hope that this article has been both informative and thought-provoking. It is crucial to learn from history so that we do not repeat past mistakes. Let us always strive to embrace diversity, educate ourselves, and make informed decisions that benefit the well-being of all, especially the generations to come.

Here are some of the most common questions people ask about The Whitaker's Dynasty: The Compelling Tale of A Family Inbred:

  1. What is The Whitaker's Dynasty: The Compelling Tale of A Family Inbred?
  2. The Whitaker's Dynasty: The Compelling Tale of A Family Inbred is a book written by Simon Barnard that tells the story of the Whitaker family, who are known for their inbreeding and the resulting genetic disorders that have plagued them for generations.

  3. Who are the main characters in The Whitaker's Dynasty: The Compelling Tale of A Family Inbred?
  4. The main characters in The Whitaker's Dynasty: The Compelling Tale of A Family Inbred are members of the Whitaker family, including patriarch George Whitaker, his wife Angela, and their children and grandchildren.

  5. What is inbreeding?
  6. Inbreeding is the mating of closely related individuals, such as siblings or cousins. This can result in a higher likelihood of genetic disorders and abnormalities in offspring.

  7. What genetic disorders are associated with inbreeding?
  8. Genetic disorders that are associated with inbreeding include physical deformities, intellectual disabilities, and developmental delays.

  9. What is the impact of inbreeding on future generations?
  10. The impact of inbreeding on future generations can be severe, as genetic disorders and abnormalities can be passed down through multiple generations of a family.

  11. Is The Whitaker's Dynasty: The Compelling Tale of A Family Inbred based on a true story?
  12. Yes, The Whitaker's Dynasty: The Compelling Tale of A Family Inbred is based on a true story of a family in England who experienced the effects of inbreeding over several generations.

  13. What is the message of The Whitaker's Dynasty: The Compelling Tale of A Family Inbred?
  14. The message of The Whitaker's Dynasty: The Compelling Tale of A Family Inbred is to raise awareness about the dangers of inbreeding and the importance of genetic counseling to prevent genetic disorders from being passed down through generations of a family.